迟连利 教授 博士生导师
2002年进入美国University of Iowa药学专业攻读博士学位,2003年随导师转入Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute化学与化学生物系分析化学专业,2006年12月获博士学位。
2007年起在美国芝加哥雅培公司(Abbott Laboratories)担任资深科学家,主要从事疾病相关蛋白和糖链标志物的研究,参与了生殖细胞癌hCG、急性肾损伤NGAL、心血管疾病PlGF和丙肝HCV等诊断产品的研发。
国家自然科学基金面上项目“低分子肝素糖链的结构细分及抗动脉粥样硬化机制研究” (21877072),2019年-2022年;
[1] B. Zhang, D. Shi, M. Li, F. Shi*, L. Chi*, A quantitative mass spectrometry method to differentiate bovine and ovine heparins from pharmaceutical porcine heparin, Carbohydrate Polymers, 2023, 301, 120303. (IF = 10.723)
[2] D. Shi, A. Sheng, C. Bu, Z. An, X. Cui, X. Sun, H. Li, F. Zhang, R.J. Linhardt, T. Zhang*, L. Jin*, L. Chi*, A cluster sequencing strategy to determine the consensus affinity domains in heparin for its binding to specific proteins, Analytical Chemistry, 2022, 94, 13987-13994. (IF = 8.008)
[3] Q. Wang, L. Chi*, The alterations and roles of glycosaminoglycans in human diseases, Polymers, 2022, 14, 5014. (IF = 4.967)
[4] D. Shi, C. Bu, P. He, Y. Song, J.S. Dordick, R.J. Linhardt, L. Chi*, F. Zhang*, Structural characteristics of heparin binding to SARS-CoV-2 spike protein RBD of Omicron sub-lineages BA.2.12.1, BA.4 and BA.5, Viruses, 2022, 14, 2696. (IF = 5.818)
[5] D. Shi, P. He, Y. Song, S. Cheng, R.J. Linhardt, J.S. Dordick, L. Chi*, F. Zhang*, Kinetic and structural aspects of glycosaminoglycan-monkeypox virus protein A29 interactions using surface plasmon resonance, Molecules, 2022, 27, 5898. (IF = 4.927)
[6] Q. Chen, F. Li, H. Wang, C. Bu, F. Shi, L. Jin*, Q. Zhang*, L. Chi*, Evaluating the immunogenicity of heparin and heparin derivatives by measuring their binding to platelet factor 4 using biolayer interferometry, Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences, 2022, 9, 966754. (IF = 6.113)
[7] A. Sheng, Q. Chen, M. Yu, R. Xiao, T. Zhang, Z. Wang, R. J. Linhardt, X. Sun*, L. Jin*, L. Chi*, Coupling liquid chromatography and tandem mass spectrometry to electrophoresis for in-depth analysis of glycosaminoglycan drugs: heparin and the multicomponent sulodexide, Analytical Chemistry, 2021, 93, 1433-1442. (IF = 8.008)
[8] B. Zhang, L. Chi*, Chondroitin sulfate/dermatan sulfate-protein interactions and their biological functions in human diseases: implications and analytical tools, Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, 2021, 9, 693563. (IF = 6.081)
[9] D. Shi, A. Sheng, L. Chi*, Glycosaminoglycan-protein interactions and their roles in human disease, Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences, 2021, 8, 639666. (IF = 6.113)
[10] H. Qiu, L. Jin, J. Chen, M. Shi, F. Shi, M. Wang, D. Li, X. Xu, X. Su, X. Yin, W. Li, X. Zhou, R. J. Linhardt, Z. Wang, L.Chi*, Q. Zhang*, Comprehensive glycomic analysis reveals that human serum albumin glycation specifically affects the pharmacokinetics and efficacy of different anticoagulant drugs in diabetes, Diabetes, 2020, 69, 760-770.(IF = 9.337)
[11] L. Ding, S. Xie, S. Zhang, H. Shen, H. Zhong, D. Li, P. Shi*, L. Chi*, Q. Zhang*, Delayed comparison and Apriori algorithm (DCAA): a tool for discovering protein-protein interactions from time-series phosphoproteomic data, Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences, 2020, 7, 606570. (IF = 6.113)
[12] X. Xu, H. Qiu, F. Shi, Z. Wang, X. Wang, L. Jin, L. Chi*, Q. Zhang*, The protein S-nitrosylation of splicing and translational machinery in vascular endothelial cells is susceptible to oxidative stress induced by oxidized low-density lipoprotein, Journal of Proteomics, 2019, 195, 11-22. (IF = 3.855)
[13] Z. Wang, T. Zhang, S. Xie, X. Liu, H. Li, R.J. Linhardt, L. Chi*, Sequencing the oligosaccharide pool in the low molecular weight heparin dalteparin with offline HPLC and ESI-MS/MS, Carbohydrate Polymers, 2018, 183, 81-90. (IF = 10.723)
[14] S. Xie, Y. Guan, P. Zhu, F. Li, M. Yu, R.J. Linhardt, L. Chi*, Lan Jin*, Preparation of low molecular weight heparins from bovine and ovine heparins using nitrous acid degradation, Carbohydrate Polymers, 2018, 197, 83-91. (IF = 10.723)
[15] Z. Wang, L. Chi*, Recent advances in mass spectrometry analysis of low molecular weight heparins, Chinese Chemical Letters, 2018, 29, 11-18. (IF = 8.455)
[16] X. Sun, Z. Guo*, M. Yu, C. Lin, A, Sheng, Z. Wang, R.J. Linhardt, L. Chi*, Hydrophilic interaction chromatography-multiple reaction monitoring mass spectrometry method for basic building block analysis of low molecular weight heparins prepared through nitrous acid depolymerization, Journal of Chromatography A, 2017, 1479, 121-128. (IF = 4.601)
[17] X. Liu, K. St Ange, X. Wang, L. Lin, F. Zhang, L. Chi*, R.J. Linhardt*, Parent heparin and daughter LMW heparin correlation analysis using LC-MS and NMR, Analytica Chimica Acta, 2017, 961, 91-99. (IF = 6.911)
[18] X. Liu, K. St Ange, L. Lin, F. Zhang, L. Chi*, R.J. Linhardt*, Top-down and bottom-up analysis of commercial enoxaparins, Journal of Chromatography A, 2017, 1480, 32-40. (IF = 4.601)
[19] X. Li, F. Shi*, L. Gong, B. Hang, D. Li, L. Chi*, Species-specific identification of collagen components in Colla Corii Asini using a nano-liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry proteomics approach, International Journal of Nanomedicine, 2017, 12, 4443-4454. (IF = 7.033)
[20] J. Yang, L. Chi*, Characterization of structural motifs for interactions between glycosaminoglycans and proteins, Carbohydrate Research, 2017, 452, 54-63. (IF = 2.975)
[21] X. Sun, A. Sheng, X. Liu, F. Shi, L. Jin, S. Xie, F. Zhang, R.J. Linhardt, L. Chi*, Comprehensive identification and quantitation of basic building blocks for low-molecular weight heparin, Analytical Chemistry, 2016, 88, 7738-7744. (IF = 8.008)
[22] Y. Guan, X. Xu, X. Liu, A. Sheng, L. Jin, R.J. Linhardt, L. Chi*, Comparison of low-molecular-weight heparins prepared from bovine lung heparin and porcine intestine heparin, Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2016, 105, 1843-50. (IF = 3.784)
[23] D. Li, P. Zhang, F. Li, L. Chi, D. Zhu, Q. Zhang*, L. Chi*, Recognition of N-glycoforms in human chorionic gonadotropin by monoclonal antibodies and their interaction motifs, Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2015, 290, 22715-22723. (IF = 5.486)
[24] X. Bai, D. Li, J. Zhu, Y. Guan, Q. Zhang, L. Chi*, From individual proteins to proteomic samples: characterization of O-glycosylation sites in human chorionic gonadotropin and human-plasma proteins. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2015, 407, 1857-1869.(IF = 4.478)
[25] X. Xu, D. Li, L. Chi, X. Du, X. Bai, L. Chi*, Fragment profiling of low molecular weight heparins using reversed phase ion pair liquid chromatography-electrospray mass spectrometry, Carbohydrate Research, 2015, 407, 26-33. (IF = 2.975)
[26] D. Li, L. Chi, L. Jin, X. Xu, X. Du, S. Ji, L. Chi*, Mapping of low molecular weight heparins using reversed phase ion pair liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry, Carbohydrate Polymers, 2014, 99, 339-344. (IF = 10.723)
[27] Z. Wang, D. Li, X. Sun, X. Bai, L. Jin, L. Chi*, Liquid chromatography-diode array detection-mass spectrometry for compositional analysis of low molecular weight heparins, Analytical Biochemistry, 2014, 451, 35-41. (IF = 3.191)
[28] X. Bai, Z. Wang, C. Huang, Z. Wang*, L. Chi*, Investigation of non-enzymatic glycosylation of human serum albumin using ion trap-time of flight mass spectrometry, Molecules, 2012, 17, 8782-94. (IF = 4.927)
[29] Y. Wang, Z. Lu, F. Feng, W. Zhu, H. Guang, J. Liu, W. He, L. Chi*, Z. Li, H. Yu*, Molecular cloning and characterization of novel cathelicidin-derived myeloid antimicrobial peptide from Phasianus colchicus, Developmental and Comparative Immunology, 2011, 35, 314-322. (IF = 3.605)
[1] L. Chi, J. Wolff, T. Laremore, O. Restaino, J. Xie, C. Schiraldi, T. Toida, J. Amster, R.J. Linhardt*, Structural analysis of bikunin glycosaminoglycan, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2008, 130, 2617-2625. (IF = 16.383)
[2] L. Chi, E.M. Munoz, H. S. Choi, Y. W. Ha, Y. S. Kim, T. Toida, R.J. Linhardt*, Preparation and structural determination of large oligosaccharides derived from acharan sulfate, Carbohydrate Research, 2006, 341, 864-869. (IF = 2.975)
[3] L. Chi, J. Amster, R.J. Linhardt*, Mass spectrometry for the analysis of highly charged sulfated carbohydrates, Current Analytical Chemistry, 2005, 1, 223-240. (IF = 2.374)
[1] Q. Zhang, H. Cao, L. Wei, D. Lu, M. Du, M. Yuan, D. Shi, X. Chen, P. Wang, X. Chen, L. Chi, Y. Zhang, F. Li*, Discovery of exolytic heparinases and their catalytic mechanism and potential application, Nature Communications, 2021, 12, 1263. (IF = 17.694)
[2] J. Ye, H. Xia, N. Sun, C. Liu, A. Sheng, L. Chi, X. Liu, G. Gu, S. Wang, J. Zhao, P. Wang, M. Xiao, F. Wang H. Cao*, Reprogramming the enzymatic assembly line for site-specific fucosylation, Nature Catalysis, 2019, 2, 514-522. (IF = 40.706)
[3] Z. Wang, P.H. Hsieh, Y. Xu, D. Thieker, E.J. Chai, S. Xie, B. Cooley, R.J. Woods, L. Chi, J. Liu*, Synthesis of 3-O-sulfated oligosaccharides to understand the relationship between structures and functions of heparan sulfate, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2017, 139, 5249-5256. (IF = 16.383)
[1] 国际发明专利,Detection method for low molecular weight heparin complete degradation products using hydrophilic interaction chromatography and multiple reaction monitoring tandem mass spectrometry,PCT/CN2017/074966, US10416132B2 (第1位)
[2] 国际发明专利, PIGF-1 assay and kits and components thereof,WO2009155324 A2 (第2位)
[3] 国际发明专利,中国長白山マムシ毒トロンビン様酵素の特徴的なボリベプチド及びその使用,专利号:7120586 (第5位)
[4] 国家发明专利,低分子肝素糖链序列检测方法、系统及测序试剂盒,专利号:202110691317.4 (第1位)
[5] 国家发明专利,一种鉴别猪来源肝素是否掺反刍类动物肝素的方法,专利号:202111527994.9 (第1位)
[6] 国家发明专利,一种低分子肝素基本组成单元的亲水相互作用色谱多反应监测二级质谱联用检测方法,专利号:201610330158.4 (第1位)
[7] 国家发明专利,一种分析蛋白O-糖基化位点的方法,专利号:201410475759.5 (第1位)
[8] 国家发明专利,一种低分子肝素完全降解产物结合柱前衍生的反相色谱质谱联用检测方法,专利号:201310711455.X (第1位)
[9] 国家发明专利,一种低分子肝素部分降解产物的离子对反相色谱质谱联用检测方法,专利号:201310409051.5 (第1位)
[10] 国家发明专利,一种低分子肝素的离子对反相色谱质谱联用检测方法,专利号:201210235395.4 (第1位)
[11] 国家发明专利,一种蛇毒类凝血酶的定量检测方法,专利号:202010753044.7 (第4位)
[12] 国家发明专利,一种白眉蝮蛇蛇毒类凝血酶特征多肽及其应用,专利号:202010752988.2 (第5位)
[13] 国家发明专利,一种白眉蛇毒血凝酶特征多肽及其在注射用蛇毒血凝酶种属鉴别中的应用,专利号:202010754240.6 (第6位)
[14] 国家发明专利,一种马和骡共有特征性多肽及其应用,专利号:201610504874.X (第6位)
[1] 低分子肝素质谱数据解析辅助软件,登记号:2020SR0077987 (第1位)
[2] In silico sequencing软件,登记号:2021SR0390895 (第1位)