张鹏英 博士
副教授 博士生导师
E-mail: zhangpy80@sdu.edu.cn
1999.09-2003.06 河南师范大学,获理学学士学位
2003.08-2008.06 山东大学,硕博连读,获理学博士学位
1. 2014/09-至今,山东大学,国家糖工程技术研究中心,副教授
2. 2015/10-2016/10,美国韦恩州立大学,化学系,访问学者
3. 2008/10-2010/10,山东大学,化学与化工学院,师资博士后
4. 2008/07-2014/08,山东大学,国家糖工程技术研究中心,讲师
序号 |
项目名称 |
项目来源 |
1 |
南极藓类植物中类黄酮合成途径的进化解析及其在植物抗逆中的作用 子课题 |
国家自然基金面上项目 |
2 |
以增加水溶性为导向的合成生物学创制(2018YFA0902002) 子课题4 |
科技部重点研发项目 |
3 |
苔藓花青素合酶功能及其在南极环境适应性中的作用研究 |
山东省自然科学基金 |
4 |
南极强紫外辐射环境中苔藓植物类黄酮合成途径关键基因功能解析及适应性研究 |
5 |
类黄酮代谢途径关键酶黄烷酮-3-羟化酶在南极苔藓适应极端环境中的作用 |
山东省自然科学基金 |
6 |
基于环境DNA的黄海渔业资源生物多样性监测技术开发与研究 |
事业单位委托项目 |
7 |
十八碳烷酸途径在南极苔藓(Pohlia nutans)适应极端生态环境中的作用及其机理研究 子课题 |
国家自然基金面上项目 |
8 |
济南市具有生物防治功能的微生物有机肥研发 |
济南创新团队项目 |
9 |
类受体蛋白激酶在苔藓植物适应极地环境中的作用 |
国家自然基金青年项目 |
10 |
防治土传病害的生防菌的筛选及其发酵工艺研究 |
山东省科技发展计划 |
11 |
牛蒡低聚果糖诱导烟草抗病性的数字基因表达谱分析 |
山东省青年科学家奖励基金 |
12 |
牛蒡低聚果糖诱导植物抗性的信号转导途径研究 |
山东大学自由探索项目 |
13 |
长效、高活性的非特异性植物免疫调节剂设计和开发 |
山东省科技发展计划 |
14 |
利用基因芯片检测牛蒡低聚果糖诱导烟草抗病性相关基因 |
国家博士后基金 |
15 |
一种适冷微生物及其在植物抗逆方面的应用和一种土壤改良剂及其制备方法与应用 |
技术转让企业项目 |
16 |
防治植物真菌病害的生物制剂的研发与推广 |
企业委托项目 |
17 |
长效、高活性的非特异性植物免疫调节剂设计和开发 |
企业委托项目 |
18 |
以牛蒡提取物和银杏叶提取物研发无公害生物制剂 |
企业委托项目 |
19 |
印度洋沉积物中可培养微生物鉴定及C/N代谢能力评估 |
事业单位委托项目 |
20 |
印度洋微生物适应环境机制分析 |
事业单位委托项目 |
(1) Wang HJ, Liu SH, Fan FH, Yu Q, Zhang PY*. A moss 2-Oxoglutarate/Fe(II)-Dependent Dioxygenases (2-ODD) gene of flavonoids biosynthesis positively regulates plants abiotic stress tolerance. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022, 13:850062.
(2) Liu SH, Fang S, Cong BL, Li TT, Yi D, Zhang ZH, Zhao LL*, Zhang PY*. The Antarctic Moss Pohlia nutans Genome provides insights into the evolution of Bryophytes and the adaptation to extreme Terrestrial Habitats. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022,13:920138
(3) Wang HJ, Liu HW, Yu Q, Fan FH, Liu SH, Feng GH, Zhang PY*. A CPD photolyase gene PnPHR1 from Antarctic moss Pohlia nutans is involved in the resistance to UV-B radiation and salinity stress. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2021, 167: 235-244.
(4) Liu HW, Liu SH, Wang HJ, Chen KS, Zhang PY*. The flavonoid 3′-hydroxylase gene from the Antarctic moss Pohlia nutans is involved in regulating oxidative and salt stress tolerance. Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry, 2021, 1-11.
(5) Wang HJ, Liu SH, Wang TL, Liu HW, Xu XH, Chen KS, Zhang PY*. The moss flavone synthase I positively regulates the tolerance of plants to drought stress and UV-B radiation. Plant Science, 2020, 298:110591.
(6) Wang J, Liu SH, Liu HW, Chen KS, Zhang PY*. PnSAG1, an E3 ubiquitin ligase of the Antarctic moss Pohlia nutans, enhanced sensitivity to salt stress and ABA. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2019, 141:343-352.
(7) Song G1, Zhou N1, Lu Y, Yu ZD, Chen KS, Zhang PY*. The anti-gastritis activity of an exopolysaccharide from Rhizopus nigricans. Food Bioscience, 2019, 29:135-141.
(8) Song G, Lu Y, Yu ZD, Xu L, Liu J, Chen KS*, Zhang PY*. The inhibitory effect of polysaccharide from Rhizopus nigricans on colitis-sassociated colorectal cancer. Biomedicine Pharmacotherapy, 2019, 112: 108593.
(9) Yao XH, Wang TL, Wang HJ, Liu HW, Liu SH, Zhao QG, Chen KS, Zhang PY*. Identification, characterization and expression analysis of the chalcone synthase family in the Antarctic moss Pohlia nutans. Antarctic Science, 2019, 31 (1):23-33.
(10) Li CC, Liu SH, Zhang W, Chen KS, Zhang PY*. Transcriptional profiling and physiological analysis reveal the critical roles of ROS-scavenging system in the Antarctic moss Pohlia nutans under Ultraviolet-B radiation. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2019, 134:113-122.
(11) Liu SH1, Zhang PY1, Li CC, Xia GM*. The moss jasmonate ZIM-domain protein PnJAZ1 confers salinity tolerance via crosstalk with the abscisic acid signalling pathway. Plant Science, 2019, 280:1-11.
(12) Wang J, Li CC, Yao XH, Liu SH, Wang TL, Zhang PY*, Chen KS. The Antarctic moss leucine-rich repeat receptor-like kinase (PnLRR-RLK2) functions in salinity and drought stress adaptation. Polar Biology, 2018, 41: 353-364.
(13) Wang J, Liu SH, Li CC, Wang TL, Zhang PY*, Chen KS. PnLRR-RLK27, a novel leucine-rich repeats receptor-like protein kinase from the Antarctic moss Pohlia nutans, positively regulates salinity and oxidation-stress tolerance. Plos One, 2017, 12(2): e0172869.
(14) Li CC, Liu SH, Yao XH, Wang J, Wang TL, Zhang ZH, Zhang PY*, Chen KS. PnF3H, a flavanone 3-hydroxylase from the Antarctic moss Pohlia nutans, confers tolerance to salt stress and ABA treatment in transgenic Arabidopsis. Plant Growth Regulation, 2017, 83:489-500.
(15) Liu SH, Wang J, Chen KS, Zhang ZH*, Zhang PY*. The L-type lectin receptor-like kinase (PnLecRLK1) from the Antarctic moss Pohlia nutans enhances chilling-stress tolerance and abscisic acid sensitivity in Arabidopsis. Plant Growth Regulation, 2017, 81:409-418.
(16) Wang J, Zhang PY*, Liu SH, Cong BL, Chen KS. A Leucine-rich repeat receptor-like Kinase from the Antarctic Moss Pohlia nutans confers salinity and ABA stress tolerance. Plant Mol Biol Rep, 2016, 34:1136-1145.
(17) Yu WQ, Chen GC, Zhang PY*, Chen KS*. Purification, partial characterization and antitumor effect of an exopolysaccharide from Rhizopus nigricans. Int J Biol Macromol, 2016, 82: 299-307. (Co-corresponding author)
(18) Zhang PY, Zhang ZH, Wang J, Cong BL, Chen KS, Liu SH. A novel receptor-like kinase PnRLK-1 from the Antarctic moss Pohlia nutans enhances salt and oxidative stress tolerance. Plant Mol Biol Rep, 2015, 33:1156-1170.
(19) Liu SH, Wang J, Cong BL, Huang XH, Zhang PY*. Characterization and expression analysis of mitochondrial heat shock protein 70 from Antarctic Moss Pohlia nutans. Polar Biol, 2014, 378: 1145-1155.
(20) Zhang PY, Liu SH, Chen KS. Characterization and expression analysis of a glutathione reductase gene from antarctic moss Pohlia nutans. Plant Mol Biol Rep, 2013, 31: 1068-1076.
(21) Guo YL, Guo MR, Zhao WL, Chen KS, Zhang PY*. Burdock fructooligosaccharide induces stomatal closure in Pisum sativum. Carbohyd Polym, 2013, 97: 731-735.
(22) Guo MR, Chen KS, Zhang PY*. Transcriptome profile analysis of resistance induced by burdock fructooligosaccharide in tobacco. J Plant Physiol, 2012, 169: 1511-1519.
(23) Zhang PY1, Liu SH1, Cong BL, Liu CL, Lin XZ, Shen JH, Huang XH. A novel Omega-3 fatty acid desaturase involved in acclimation processes of Polar condition from Antarctic ice alga Chlamydomonas sp. ICE-L. Mar Biotechnol, 2011, 133: 393-401.
(24) Liu SH1, Zhang PY1, Cong BL, Liu CL, Lin XZ, Shen JH, Huang XH. Molecular cloning and expression analysis of a cytosolic Hsp70 gene from Antarctic ice algae Chlamydomonas sp. ICE-L. Extremophiles, 2010, 14: 329-337. (co-first author)
(25) Zhang PY, Chen KS. Age-dependent variations of volatile emissions and inhibitory activity toward Botrytis cinerea and Fusarium oxysporum in tomato leaves treated with chitosan oligosaccharide. J Plant Biol, 2009, 2: 332-339.
(26) Zhang PY, Wang JC, Liu SH, Chen KS. A novel burdock fructooligosaccharide induces changes in the production of salicylates, activates defence enzymes and induces systemic acquired resistance to Colletotrichum orbiculare in cucumber seedlings. J Phytopathol, 2009, 1574: 201-207.
(27) Zhang PY, Chen KS, He PQ, Liu SH, Jiang WF. Effects of crop development on the emission of volatile in tomato leaves and its inhibitory activity to Botrytis cinerea Pers. and Fusarium oxysporum Schl. J Integrat Plant Bio, 2008, 501: 84-94.
(28) Zhang PY, Chen KS. Inducement of salicylic acid in cucumber cotyledons by Neodymium and Lanthanum. J Rare Earth, 2007, 25: 502-507.
(1) 一种南极黄丝瓜藓CPD光修复酶及其制备方法与应用,ZL2019 1 0750009.7 第1位
(2) 一种适冷微生物及其在植物抗逆方面的应用 ZL2009 1 0256034.6 第1位 已转让
(3)一种土壤改良剂及其制备方法与应用 ZL2012 1 0451799.7 第1位 已转让
(4) 一种全营养微生物生防有机肥的制备方法与应用 ZL2014 1 0322413.1 第3位
(5)一种能提高机体免疫力的南极适冷微生物胞外多糖 ZL2011 1 0054901.5 第3位
(6)牛蒡子苷在制备药物或保健食品中的应用 ZL 2012 1 0067516.2 第3位
(7)一种具有抗癌活性拟康氏木霉胞外多糖的应用 ZL 2012 1 0105395.2 第3位
(1)长效、高活性非特异性植物免疫调节剂的设计与开发,鲁科成字[2010]第746号 (第1位) 已转让